Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Okay so listen to this, the thing that makes my face turn cherry red, tomato red or whatever thing you think is the most red out of being nervous is giving a presentation in front of a group of people, doing this kills me, I do not like it at all the feeling sucks.

To my "good luck" the Bayan Community group had to present in teams of four people in personal development class. The presentation was about one chapter from the book each group. We had to explain it to the class as if we were teachers for a day, using powerpoint or prezi, talking clearly, giving out examples all the things a teacher uses to help the students understand the information given. At first it did not sound so bad, I thought, hey how long can it be right? ten to fifteen minutes at most. I was so wrong. The time was fifty minutes meaning the whole class time, I was like damn you got to be kidding me what is the point of presenting that long.

After bitching to myself for about minute, then I said well atleast my group wont have to be one of the first ones to present, or so I thought. Wrong again! Yeah we had to be the second ones to present all because we as a group took a lot of time choosing a name for the group, it was a cool name though, The Nonchalants. I started feeling nervous when I heard we had to be second to present, because well I suck at presenting and now it had to be for a longer time.  Oh and I was not aware of it at the moment but I was blessed with "great luck" like maybe there is some kind of luck goddess that was looking out for me yeah... that must have been it.

Okay so we use a prezi for the presentation, and divided what each person was going to say, the day we had to present came, I was super nervous, I could not see myself but probably I was some kind of tomato red. Anyways the night before I actually looked in google for ways to not be nervous in a presentation, the methods were lame, typical things like try to present it before hand to someone else, or say it many times to yourself so you can memorize it, really? memorizing is not the problem, so yeah google sucked for that so I was with the idea I was going to not be able to talk.
So okay, our group set up the prezi and everything needed, and be were facing the whole class, I started presenting, if I started maybe it would end quicker.

As I started talking I was a little nervous, but then it changed, I felt like I was overreacting, I thought, these people I know them, I see them every week so why be nervous. I'm not going to say that just like that the feeling went away, but I did feel better and could talk clearly so in the end it was not so bad, I got through with the presentation and we did good.

Random words: Even if you feel nervous, try not to be think about the presentation or whatever thing that is making you feel that way, instead say possitive to yourself like I can do this, or this is easy. I still have to improve in that aspect but I think I'm not doing so bad. (And never try to think everyone is naked or wearing diapers cuz it wont work x))

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